
  • 28 Jan 14
    The government has finally got around to publishing permanent secretaries' 2013-14 performance objectives. Unfortunately, instead of improving Whitehall accountability, they just add to the...
  • Pressure is mounting on David Cameron to convene a full-blown constitutional convention after an unparalleled near clean sweep by the Scottish National Party of Westminster seats north of the border.
    4 Oct 13
    There are stirrings of a new mood in Parliament – now MPs need to square up to the executive on tax and spend
  • 25 Sep 13
    Some councils appear to be taking advantage of what they see as a loophole in the legislation regarding the Housing Revenue Account. But such attempts are not only morally wrong, they are legally...
  • 9 Sep 13
    The PASC has called for a new parliamentary commission on the future of the civil service. But a fresh inquiry will only be justified if it focuses on the nuts and bolts of how to make Whitehall...
  • A review into the regulation of charity fundraising requested by Scottish Government ministers has been launched by the sector’s umbrella organisation today.
    9 Aug 13
    Charity chief executives have been criticised for ‘fat-cat’ salaries in an age of austerity. But it’s down to trustees – not the Charity Commission – to determine...
  • Handshake
    7 May 13
    Ministers have called on business leaders to serve as departmental non-executive directors and help make Whitehall more efficient. But more could be done to ensure that the right people are recruited...
  • Cardiogram
    29 Apr 13
    ‘Command and control’ is the default position for politicians and public service managers. But, as the tragic failures in Mid-Staffordshire show, it is a deeply flawed delivery model
  • Cardiogram
    11 Mar 13
    Over-reliance on targets has been suggested as a factor in the Stafford Hospital scandal. But managers and front-line staff should never use the 'system' as an excuse for behaving in an...

